Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bird Following

We were sad to see our babies leave the nest yesterday, but thankful for the experience we shared with them. This morning they graced us with their prescence at our bird feeder, eagerly showing us their newfound skill of flying.

As we decided to read our bibles outside today and enjoy the beautiful sunny day in the northwest, we viewed a few of they babies practicing their flying around the yard. My daughter and I followed the mama, knowing we would soon find the babies somewhere near.
She immediately started clicking and so we knew we were close. Just as my daughter was about to take a step, she noticed one of the babies in the tall grass. He hopped to get further from us, and flew just a short distance to the shelter of a fern.
We were able to take these few pictures as quickly as we could, for as quickly as we found him, he flew away to the safety of some neighboring salmon berry bushes. We were so grateful to see our little ones, and will tread lightly from now on in the tall grass! :)

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